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Behind the Scene

Artists' Backstage Stories
Jameel Prize 4 - Shahpour Pouyan

Jameel Prize 4 - Shahpour Pouyan

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Presence by Szelit Cheung

Presence by Szelit Cheung

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Glass Horizon (2020) by Gregory Halili | Exhibition Video

Glass Horizon (2020) by Gregory Halili | Exhibition Video

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Sculpting with Eraser Dust by Irie Saya

Sculpting with Eraser Dust by Irie Saya

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Date & Place 


July 24 (sat) – September 4  (sat), 2021 


Tokyo Gallery + BTAP | Tokyo 7F, 8-10-5, Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

On July the 24th, Tokyo Gallery+BTAP (Tokyo) will host a group exhibition, “Sushi – A World in a Grain of Sand” featuring works of eleven artists from Japan, China, Hong Kong, the Philippines, and Iran. The exhibition is curated by Xn Office, a young Chinese curator team founded by art historian Penny Dan Xu and artist Ni Youyu. Displaying artworks of exceptionally small size, this exhibition celebrates the exquisite, and calls our attention to the power of the minute.


The title of the exhibition references the documentary Jiro Dreams of Sushi (2012). Jiro Ono, the main character of the film, is more than a master chef, he is an artist chasing perfection in something very small. In the same fashion, the exhibition centers on a set of keywords, such as ‘minuteness’, ‘delicacy’, ‘ordinariness’, and ‘craftsmanship’, displaying works in different media, all of which invite the viewer to “see the large in the small”.

この度、東京画廊+BTAP ではグループ展『SUSHI— A World in a Grain of Sand』を開催いたし ます。日本、中国、香港、フィリピン、イランから計 11 組の作家の作品が一堂に集結する本 展は、中国の若手キュレーター・ユニット集団 Xn とのタイアップによって実現したものです。 人々の眼差しを指先サイズの作品へと回帰させ、精巧につくられた小さいものへの礼讃を本展 の趣旨としています。

展覧会タイトルの「SUSHI」は、鮨職人の小野二郎氏を追ったドキュメンタリー作品『二郎は鮨の夢を見る(Jiro Dreams of Sushi)』からインスパイアされたものです。小野氏は、料理人であると同時に、定められた型枠の中で、手技の極みを追い求める芸術家でもあります。SUSHI いとぐちということばを題することで、「細微」「精巧」「日常」「手技」を 緒 に、異なるメディアの 作品群を通して、「小中見大(小さいものを通して大きいものをみる)」といった真義の提示 を試みます。



Xn Office

Xⁿ Office 

​Xⁿ Office is an independent curatorial team founded by art history researcher Penny Dan Xu, and artist NI Youyu in 2016.

Until 2021, ​Xⁿ Office has curated five exhibitions in several cities, including Shanghai, Hong Kong, Paris; and published two research-based bilingual exhibition publications. In mathematical language, X means variable can be any number, letter or equation. N refers to any natural numbers. They both link to the notion of "Infinitive variation". N powers of X suggests that the two curators develop ideas from two different perspectives and methods; they collaborate to discover a world of endless possibilities. 


美術史研究を専門とする徐小丹(ペニー・ダン・シュー)と美術作家の倪有魚(ニー・ヨウユ)によって、2016 年に結成された中国発のキュレーター・ユニット。これまで上海、香港、パリ などで 5 つの展覧会のキュレーションを手掛け、研究リサーチの成果をまとめた展覧会図録 (記録集)を 2 冊発行している。未知数のXと、自然数全体の成す集合を表す N を冪(べき)の 形で組み合わせたユニット名には、未知や無限という意味が込められており、美術史と制作と いう異なるふたつの視座からアプローチを図ることで、無限の可能性と新しい地平を切り拓こ うと試みている。


Tokyo Gallery

Tokyo Gallery marks its 70th anniversary in 2020. As Japan’s first contemporary art gallery, Tokyo Gallery has introduced the latest trends in Western art to Japanese audiences over the decades. It has also spearheaded in presenting post-war Japanese art and contemporary Korean and Chinese art to the world。

In 2002, Tokyo Gallery opened Beijing Tokyo Art Projects (BTAP) in the 798 Art District in Beijing. In 2006, it changed its name to Tokyo Gallery + BTAP. Since then, the gallery has continued to showcase artists from different periods and regions to local and overseas audiences. Tokyo Gallery is directed by Hozu Yamamoto, and BTAP by Yukihito Tabata.





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